
parameter type description
configuration object?
configuration.eventLogger function (default undefined) The function that receives event payloads.
configuration.logging boolean (default false) Turns ON or OFF logging to the console.
configuration.patchUrl string (default https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/midi-instrument-patches@latest/) The public path where MIDI instrument patches can be found.
configuration.volume number (default 80) Set playback volume when initializing the player.
property type description
context object : The AudioContext instance.
eventLogger function : The function that is called to emit events.
logging boolean : Whether console logging is ON or OFF.
isFirstInstance boolean : Whether this is the first instance of the Midi Player or
midiFileArray arrayBuffer : A typed array that represents the content of the MIDI.
midiFileBuffer any : The buffer with the MIDI data.
patchUrl string : The URL used to load MIDI instrument patches.
playerId string : ID of this instance of Midi Player.
sampleRate number : The sample rate of the AudioContext.
source object : The source that plays the audio signal.
startTime number : The time when MIDI playback started.
stream number : The MIDI stream.
volume number : Playback volume.
waveBuffer any : The buffer with the MIDI data converted to WAV. not.


object : A MidiPlayer instance.


import MidiPlayer from 'web-midi-player';

const eventLogger = (payload) => {
  console.log('Received event:', payload.event);

const midiPlayer = new MidiPlayer({ eventLogger });

Static Members


Formats the name of a MIDI for display purposes.

parameter type description
name String Name of the MIDI song.


String :

Instance Members


Loads instrument patches for a list of MIDI input.

Please note that you can not use parameters.items.arrayBuffer and parameters.items.url concurrently.

parameter type description
parameters object = {}
parameters.items object? (default []) An array.
parameters.items.arrayBuffer arrayBuffer? An array buffer containing MIDI data to play.
parameters.items.url string? The URL where the MIDI file to play is located.
parameters.audioContext object? An instance of the Web Audio API AudioContext interface.


boolean : Whether instrument patches were successfully preloaded or not.


const name1 = 'My MIDI file from URL';
const url = 'media/file.midi';
const name2 = 'My MIDI file from ArrayBuffer';
const arrayBuffer = new ArrayBuffer();

  items: [
    { url, name: name1 },
    { arrayBuffer, name: name2 }


Starts playback of MIDI input.

Please note that you can not use input.arrayBuffer and input.url concurrently.

parameter type description
input object = {}
input.arrayBuffer arrayBuffer? An array buffer containing MIDI data to play.
input.url string? The URL where the MIDI file to play is located.
input.name string? A human-friendly name for the song.
input.audioContext object? An instance of the Web Audio API AudioContext interface.


boolean : Whether playback was successfully initiated or not.


const name1 = 'My MIDI file from URL';
const url = 'media/file.midi';
midiPlayer.play({ url, name: name1 });

const name2 = 'My MIDI file from ArrayBuffer';
const arrayBuffer = new ArrayBuffer();
midiPlayer.play({ arrayBuffer, name: name2 });


Pauses playback of MIDI input.


boolean : Whether playback was successfully paused or not.




Resumes playback of MIDI input.


boolean : Whether playback was successfully ressumed or not.




Stops playback of MIDI input.


boolean : Whether playback was successfully stopped or not.




Gets the current volume of the playback.


number : The current volume.


const volume = midiPlayer.getVolume();


Sets the current volume of the playback.

parameter type description
input object
input.volume number The new value for the volume (also known as gain). Typically, a whole number between 0 and 100 but can actually be negative, greater, or even a decimal number.


midiPlayer.setVolume({ volume: 80 });


Send custom payloads to the event logger.

parameter type description
payload object
payload.event string? The name of the event.
payload.message string? A message that described the event.


const event = 'MIDI_CUSTOM_EVENT';
const message = 'Something happened.';
midiPlayer.emitEvent({ event, message });


Updates the configuration of the logger.

parameter type description
configuration object?
configuration.eventLogger function (default undefined) The function that receives event payloads.
configuration.logging boolean (default false) Turns ON or OFF logging to the console.


const eventLogger = (payload) => {
  console.log('Received event:', payload.event);
midiPlayer.setLogger({ eventLogger });


Instance Members


parameter type description
x Number


Exits the script.

parameter type description
status string The message to display.


Throws an error that aborts the execution of the script.

parameter type description
text string The message to display.

assert(condition, text)

Aborts the execution of the script if assertion fails.

parameter type description
condition boolean The assertion to test.
text string The message to display if the assertion fails.

call(ident, returnType, argTypes, args)

A wrapper to call functions.

parameter type description
ident string The name of the function to call.
returnType string The return type of the function, one of the JS types 'number', 'string' or 'array' (use 'number' for any C pointer, and 'array' for JavaScript arrays and typed arrays; note that arrays are 8-bit).
argTypes array An array of the types of arguments for the function (if there are no arguments, this can be ommitted). Types are as in returnType, except that 'array' is not possible (there is no way for us to know the length of the array)
args array An array of the arguments to the function, as native JS values (as in returnType). Note that string arguments will be stored on the stack (the JS string will become a C string on the stack).


any : Native JS value (as in returnType)

setValue(ptr, value, type)

Dynamically sets a value in memory at runtime. Only does aligned writes. This is a lower-level operation.

parameter type description
ptr any Pointer.
value any
type string LLVM type ('i8', , 'i16', 'i32', 'i64', 'float', 'double')

getValue(ptr, type)

Dynamically gets a value in memory at runtime. Only does aligned reads. This is a lower-level operation.

parameter type description
ptr any Pointer.
type string LLVM type ('i8', , 'i16', 'i32', 'i64', 'float', 'double')

allocate(slab, types, allocator)

This is for internal use. Optimized for multiple syntaxes to save space in generated code. You should allocate memory using _malloc(), initialize it with setValue(), and so forth.

parameter type description
slab any An array of data or a number. If a number, then the size of the block to allocate in bytes (note that this is sometimes confusing: the next parameter does not affect this).
types any Either an array of types, one for each byte (or 0 if no type at that position), or a single type which is used for the entire block. This only matters if there is initial data. If slab is a number, then this does not matter at all and is ignored.
allocator any How to allocate memory, see ALLOC_*

Pointer_stringify(ptr, length?)

parameter type description
ptr any Pointer.
length any?


parameter type description
ptr any Pointer to a null-terminated UTF16LE-encoded string in the emscripten HEAP.

stringToUTF16(str, outPtr)

Copies a JavaScript string to the emscripten HEAP. The copy is null-terminated and encoded in UTF16LE form. The copy will require at most (str.length2+1)2 bytes of space in the HEAP.

parameter type description
str string JavaScript string.
outPtr any HEAP address (pointer).


parameter type description
ptr any Pointer to a null-terminated UTF32LE-encoded string in the emscripten HEAP.

stringToUTF32(str, outPtr)

Copies a JavaScript string to the emscripten HEAP. The copy is null-terminated and encoded in UTF32LE form. The copy will require at most (str.length+1)*4 bytes of space in the HEAP.

parameter type description
str string JavaScript string.
outPtr any HEAP address (pointer).


parameter type description
callbacks any


parameter type description
cb any Callback.


parameter type description
cb any Callback.


parameter type description
cb any Callback.


parameter type description
cb any Callback.


parameter type description
cb any Callback.

intArrayFromString(stringy, dontAddNull, length)

parameter type description
stringy any
dontAddNull any
length any


parameter type description
array any

writeStringToMemory(string, buffer, dontAddNull)

parameter type description
string any
buffer any
dontAddNull any

writeArrayToMemory(array, buffer)

parameter type description
array any
buffer any

writeAsciiToMemory(str, buffer, dontAddNull)

parameter type description
str any
buffer any
dontAddNull any


parameter type description
id any


parameter type description
id any

createPath(parent, path, throwError)

Creates a directory.

parameter type description
parent string The parent folder.
path string The path to create.
throwError boolean = true If directory creation failed, throw an error.

createFile(parent, name, canRead, canWrite)

Creates a file.

parameter type description
parent string The parent folder.
name string The path to create.
canRead boolean
canWrite boolean

createDataFile(parent, name, data, canRead, canWrite, canOwn?, throwError)

Creates a data file and writes data to it.

parameter type description
parent string
name string
data array
canRead boolean
canWrite boolean
canOwn boolean?
throwError boolean = true If file creation failed, throw an error.

loadPatchFromUrl(baseUrl, filename)

Creates a file in the patch directory and writes the instrument data to it.

parameter type description
baseUrl string The public URL where all patches can be found as a group.
filename string The name of the instrument patch to load (including subfolder for drums).


Initializes the library.

parameter type description
throwError boolean = true Throw an error if file/folder creation failed.


parameter type description
configuration object?
configuration.playerId string (default undefined) The ID of the Midi Player that sends events.
configuration.eventLogger function (default undefined) The function that receives event payloads.
configuration.logging boolean (default false) Turns ON or OFF logging to the console.


object : An EventHandler instance.

Instance Members


Emits an event that indicates that the MIDI player is initialized.


Emits an event that indicates that a MIDI file is being loaded.

parameter type description
payload object
payload.message string? (default 'Loading MIDI file...') A message about the MIDI file being loaded.


Emits an event that indicates that a MIDI instrument patch is being loaded.

parameter type description
payload object
payload.message string? (default 'Loading instrument patch...') A message about the instrument patch being loaded.


Emits an event that indicates that the MIDI player currently playing a MIDI file.

parameter type description
payload object
payload.time string? The playback position.


Emits an event that indicates that the MIDI player has paused the playback of a file.

parameter type description
payload object
payload.time string? The playback position.


Emits an event that indicates that the MIDI player has resumed the playback of a file.

parameter type description
payload object
payload.time string? The playback position.


Emits an event that indicates that the MIDI player has stopped the playback of a file.


Emits an event that indicates that the MIDI player has reached the end of a file.

parameter type description
payload object
payload.time string? The playback position.


Emits an event that indicates that an error prevented the MIDI player to continue.

parameter type description
payload object
payload.message string? (default 'An error occurred.') A message that indicates that an error occurred.
payload.error string? (default '') A message that describes the details of the error.


Send payloads to the event logger.

parameter type description
payload object
payload.event string? The name of the event.
payload.message string? A message that describes the event.


Updates the configuration of the logger.

parameter type description
configuration object?
configuration.eventLogger function (default undefined) The function that receives event payloads.
configuration.logging boolean (default false) Turns ON or OFF logging to the console.